


兼容 S3 的存储










99.999999% 的数据安全性


Pricing plan


We believe that simple and transparent pricing is important.

Start Now


Storage on Demand

4,99 TB / month
+ 加增值税。*
  • 1000 GB Stoage
  • With all features
  • 电话和电子邮件支持


Storage as 1,2,5 year (subscription)

2,99 TB / month
+ 加增值税。*
  • 1000 GB Stoage
  • With all features
  • 电话和电子邮件支持
* Prices from, may require prepayment and/or top-up and minimum purchase, smallest unit 1TiB.


提供商 Country 存储(TB/月)
intercolo i3 4,99 €
Wasabi 6,40 €
AWS S3 23,61 €
Azure 18,10 €
Google Cloud Platform 23,00 €
IONOS 15,00 €
Digitalocean 20,00 €
**数据取自上述提供商的网站。部分兑换成欧元 (04/2023)


我们的存储设备可为您提供经济高效、安全可靠的海量数据存储解决方案。在数字化转型时期,灵活方便地存储和管理数据比以往任何时候都更加重要。我们正是针对这一挑战开发了与 S3 兼容的高可用性存储解决方案。

借助 S3 兼容性,您可以轻松地将数据迁移到我们这里。

我们的存储符合 GDPR 标准,可根据您的需求为您提供灵活、适应性强的解决方案。无论您需要用于文件共享、备份或存档的存储,我们都能为您提供理想的解决方案。我们的存储解决方案也非常适合可靠地存储关键业务数据、媒体库或用于大数据分析的原始非结构化数据。

借助我们的 S3 Object Lock,我们可以满足长期数据存储的所有法律要求。这使您可以放心,您的数据在任何时候都是安全和可用的。

Intercolo 为您提供经济高效、安全灵活的海量数据存储解决方案。立即联系我们,了解我们如何帮助您安全可靠地存储数据。
Made in Germany

Security and data protection at the highest level

In our role as a German company, we attach the highest importance to data protection and data security. We are proud to offer you server solutions that are 100% GDPR compliant and also offer an Data Processing Agreement on request. These measures guarantee that you retain full control over your data. At Intercolo, your privacy is our priority.

  • GDPR compliant
  • 德国制造
  • AV contract
  • access protection
  • firewalls
  • DDoS protection
intercolo i3 Object Storage

What is S3 Object Storage?

S3-compatible storage is a cloud-based storage solution that enables businesses to securely and scalably store and manage data. Unlike traditional storage, businesses can add and scale S3-compatible storage as needed, increasing flexibility and cost efficiency.

Our S3-compatible storage solution offers a secure and reliable way to store data. By storing your data in Germany, we guarantee the highest data protection standards and GDPR compliance. In addition, we provide scalable and flexible solutions tailored to your needs to ensure you have enough capacity for your data. By relieving your server systems, you can optimize the performance of your IT infrastructure and focus on your core business.

Using S3-compatible storage makes sense for businesses of any size and industry that need a secure and reliable storage solution. Whether for data backup, hosting static websites, or data archiving, S3-compatible storage offers a cost-effective and scalable solution for storing and managing data. With S3-compatible storage, companies can be confident that their data is safe and protected and can be accessed at any time.

S3 for me

Why is S3 Storage right for me?

  • 100% GDPR-compliant
  • 100% carbon-neutral
  • 99.999999% data security
  • Affordable price
  • Scalable and flexible
  • Ransomware protection

Our S3 solution offers customers numerous benefits. First and foremost, our solution is 100% GDPR-compliant, ensuring the highest data protection standards. Additionally, our services are 100% carbon-neutral, meaning they are environmentally friendly and contribute to reducing the carbon footprint.

Our S3 solution is also fast and secure, with a data security rate of 99.999999%. Customers can be confident that their data is safe and protected, and that they can access it at any time. The fast and reliable storage of data is a key advantage of our solution, helping to make business processes more efficient and smoother.

Furthermore, we offer our S3 solution at an affordable price, making it a cost-effective option for businesses of any size. Our solution is scalable and flexible, allowing companies to pay only for the storage space they actually need.

In summary, our S3 solution offers customers numerous benefits, including GDPR compliance, carbon neutrality, speed, security, and affordable prices. Our solution is a reliable and effective way for businesses to securely store and access their data.

*Free Outgoing Traffic, Simplified

Free Outgoing Traffic

With our S3-compatible storage service, you not only get storage space but also an equivalent quota of outgoing traffic – at no additional cost. This means, for example, if you book 1 Terabyte (TB) of storage space, you also get 1 TB of outgoing traffic each month for free.

What does this mean for you?

  • No surprises on the bill: You can better plan your data transfer budget, as you already know how much outgoing traffic is included.
  • More value for your storage space: Your storage space purchase comes hand in hand with outgoing traffic, giving you double the resources without any additional fees.

And what about traffic beyond the quota?

Should you need more outgoing traffic than your storage space quota covers, that’s certainly possible. Additional traffic is charged at a fair price of only €3.99 per Terabyte. This equates to just €0.0039 per Gigabyte. So, you stay flexible while retaining full control over your expenses, without any unexpected high costs.


The Performance Difference

The difference in performance is easiest to explain with an example. When accessing a video, the difference is whether it starts immediately or has to load for 10 seconds. We know these loading processes through the loading symbols on websites.

Performance is an important point of user experience for today's users, who have broadband connections or 5G.

Features of i3

Technical Object Storage Features

  • IPv4 & IPv6 Support
  • Einbindung als Festplatte
  • Unterstützung zahlreicher Software
  • S3 API Zugriff
  • CDN-Integration
  • Einfache Prepaid Abrechnung


我们系统的数据安全性高达 99.999999%。


S3 兼容性意味着我们的存储使用与亚马逊简单存储服务 (S3) 接口相同的 API 和功能。这意味着您可以轻松使用为亚马逊 S3 开发的现有脚本和工具,在我们的存储系统中迁移和管理数据。

99.999999% 的数据安全性意味着我们为您的数据的安全性和可用性设定了最高标准。这表明数据丢失的概率极低。我们的基础设施和冗余数据存储保证了这种高水平的安全性。

我们的 14 天免费试用版可为您提供 1 TB 的存储空间。在此期间,您可以全面测试我们与 S3 兼容的存储的所有功能。这样,您就可以在没有任何风险的情况下检查我们服务的质量、速度和可靠性。

我们的存储完全符合 GDPR 标准,因为所有数据都只存储在德国。这意味着我们必须严格遵守数据保护法,并保持较高的安全标准。您的数据在我们这里是安全的,我们按照欧洲最高标准尊重您的隐私。

我们的服务器使用 100% 绿色电力。这意味着为我们的基础设施供电所需的所有电力均来自可再生能源。通过这种方式,我们最大限度地减少了服务的碳足迹,为气候保护做出了贡献。

我们提供低廉的价格,每月每 TB 存储空间仅需 5 欧元,而且数据传输免费*。这种成本结构简单而透明,因此您可以清楚地知道自己需要支付多少费用,而无需担心任何隐性成本。

我们的 S3 兼容型存储具有极高的灵活性和可扩展性。您可以根据自己的具体需求,随时增减存储,调整存储需求。无论您是小型初创企业还是大型企业,我们都能满足您的需求。


德国制造 "意味着我们的服务完全在德国开发和运营。这不仅确保符合 GDPR 规定,还确保遵守德国在数据安全和质量方面的高标准。


仍有问题? 直接咨询我们

14 天免费试用

免费试用我们的 S3 兼容存储 14 天。
